Plastikourgeio explores ways for usable, accessible and creative alternatives to single-use plastics. We look for solutions that fit in with the natural world.
Why we care about plastic
Where do we start? In one sentence, because it’s one of the biggest challenges of our times.
Plastic is everywhere, most of the time used for convenience and takes centuries to decompose. We’ve already produced enough of it to cover the planet in cling film and plastic production and consumption are accelerating.
It’s about time we did something about it, that’s why.
Who we are
We are a small team, passionate about the climate crisis that affects everyone.
Our goal is multiple: We want to reduce, reuse and recycle, and this to become our habit; to instil this way of living to those around us; to protect the environment, to alleviate the municipality’s blue recycling bins, and to suggest an alternative waste management system. At the same time, we wish to satisfy our artistic sensibilities and the need to create something with our own hands.
You can support us by becoming Plastikourgeio Members or by purchasing items from our shop.
We offer products that are 100% friendly to humans and the environment. Either disposable or reusable, they are made of natural materials such as bamboo and palm leaves, they are recyclable and compostable, and offer a stylish and ecological alternative to plastic objects used in our daily lives.
“To invent you need a good inspiration and a pile of junk”
Thomas Edison
What We Do
We are the first plastic-free shop in Athens. Built on our belief that everyday life can be plastic-free without being inconvenient. We are constantly looking for ways to make everyone's daily habits planet frienldy.
We are part of the Precious Plastic family. Precious Plastic makes open-sourced machine blueprints available to all, to turn unwanted plastic into renewed goods. Would you like to start your own lab? Looking for help?
We believe in the value of waste and plastic in particular. Our aim is to design programs to help encourage recycling, promote local businesses and divert waste from landfills. With these in mind, we are constantly experimenting.
Our clients

We Support & Collaborate with